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Beyond the individual projects which aim at the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills and appropriate attitudes, the curriculum of JUNIORS A incorporates also the social development of the children. This aspect of the curriculum focuses on the development of a common "language", on designing and working on group projects, on opening channels of communication with the teacher and fellow students in the class but also with the broader CYBER community, teachers, friends and coworkers, as well as with the social environment in general. But beyond this level, the curriculum, through electronic means of communication, opens up the emerging new frontier of GLOBAL SOCIABILITY, by establishing new relationships in cyberspace through our CYBER Kids server (

The development of sociability is also achieved through extracurricular activities which are organized by the various CYBER Kids centers. These may include (but are not limited to):

1. Educational Exhibition of Electronic Art, by students.

2. Exhibitions on innovation, technology and social progress, where the emphasis is on frontier work. CYBER Kids may be involved as an innovator in the interface of education and electronic technology.

3. Participation in various exhibitions and Expos in which CYBER Kids can participate exhibiting student work in different areas.

4 Clubs in which students communicate on various subjects of interest through electronic networks, such as in the CYBER BBS, CYBER Kids IRC, and the Internet in general.

5. Public Fairs and flea markets organized for charity or community purposes.

6. Publishing work in the CYBER newspaper

7. Creating pages on Internet, etc.

Students as well as their parents are kept informed about these and other similar activities and are invited to participate actively. This process is considered as an essential dimension in enhancing the sociability of students, as it entails a vital link between CYBER Kids innovative education and the broader social environment and social change.